
thinking, doing and writing..!!

Security Mobile

UNPAB – This is a graduate-level course that provides an introduction to mobile security. We explore the unique challenges facing mobile security while comparing and contrasting it with what we’ve learnt from computer and network security. This course provides a good conceptual overview of the security principles incorporated in the design of several generations of mobile networks.We also explore platform security models of the popular mobile device platforms ex; Android.

This lecture is designed to address this growing threat to mobile devices, networks and services delivered over the mobile infrastructure for Android Mobile Smartphone.

Standard Kompetensi;

  • Mahasiswa dapat memahami tentang dunia mobile beserta perkembangannya.
  • Mahasiswa memahami tentang keamanan mobile device.
  • Dapat menerapkan komponen kunci keamanan untuk melindungi perangkat mobile beserta konfigurasinya.
  • Mampu mengoptimalkan performa kinerja sistem mobile berbasis Android
  • Mampu memecahkan masalah system dengan menggunakan teknik dan tool-tool yang tersedia pada perangkat mobile Android

Metode Belajar;

  • Ceramah & tutorial
  • Diskusi
  • Simulasi and praktikum
  • Group Discussion
  • Membuat proyek akhir
  • Presentasi

Buku Referensi;

  1. Mobile Application Security, Himanshu Dviwedi, Chris Clark and David Thiel, 1st Edition
  2. Boudriga, 2010, Security of Mobile Communication, CRC Press
  3. Jaya Nampalli, 2008, Mobile Security How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices, Packt Publishing
  4. Anmol Misra, Abhishek Dubey, 2013. Android Security Attacks and Defenses, Auerbach Publications
  5. Chaouchi, Maknavicius, 2007, Wireless and Mobile Network Security, Security Basics, Security in On-the-shelf and Emerging Technologies, WILEY
  6. Mike Price, 2013, Hacking Exposed Mobile_ Security Secrets & Solutions, McGraw-Hil
  7. Russell Dean Vines, 2002, Wireless Security Essentials_ Defending Mobile Systems from Data Piracy, Wiley


Materi Pemebelajaran;

Part. Materi Kuliah Silahkan Download
1. Pengenalan, Kontrak Belajar , SAP dan Silabus dan Pengantar Mata Kuliah Security Mobile  Download
 2. Introduction to Mobile Security  Download
3. Basic Security Mobile and Cryptography  Download
4. Mobile Platform & Development Strategies  Download
5. Android Architecture  Download
 6. Android Aplication  Download
 7. Android In Security  Download
 8. Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)
 9. Android Permission  Download
 10. Package Management  Download
 11. User Account Online Management  Download
 12. Credential Storage  Download
 13. Device Security  Download
14. NFC And Secure Elements  Download
15. System Updates & Root Acces  Download
16. UAS (Ujian Akhir Semester)

For Praktikum Excercise –> Download Here


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