
thinking, doing and writing..!!

Network Security Advance

UNPAB – Advanced Network Forensics and Analysis to address the most transient domain of digital forensics. Many enterprises have grown to the scale that identifying which handful of endpoints to examine among thousands is a significant challenge. Additionally, the network has become its own medium for incident response and investigation. Our ability to use evidence from all kinds of network devices as well as from captured network data itself will be critical to our success in addressing threats today and tomorrow.

Deskripsi Matakuliah;

  • Network Forensic Advance (forensic jaringan lanjutan) merupakan cabang dari ilmu forensik digital yang akan lebih mendalami (lanjutan/advance) pemantauan dan analisis lalu lintas jaringan komputer untuk tujuan pengumpulan informasi, bukti hukum, atau deteksi intrusi., sehingga kejahatan komputer (cybercrime) dengan pemanfaatan sistem jaringan dapat dideteksi.

Standard Kompetensi;

  • Mahasiswa mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengimplementasikan konsep Network Forensic d Advance atau lanjutan pada sistem jaringan (Network Infrastructure) yang sedang berjalan pada sebuah Institusi/Lembaga.
  • Mahasiswa dapat mengimplementasikan ilmu Network Forensic pada sistem jaringan yang sedang diserang (network instrusion).

Daftar Pustaka;

  • Jessey Bullock, Jeff T. Parker, 2017, Wireshark for Security Professionals_Using Wireshark and the Metasploit Framework, Wiley
  • Sherri Davidoff, Jonathan Ham, Network Forensics_ Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace, 2012, Pearson Education
  • Jonathan Clough , 2010, Principles Of Cybercrime, Cambridge University Press, New York, USA
  • Eoghan Casey, 2010, Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation, Elsevier Academic Press
  • EC-Council, 2009, Computer Forensics_ Investigating Network Intrusions and Cybercrime, Cengage Learning
  • RobertJones, 2005, Internet Forensics, O’Reilly, USA

Materi Pemebelajaran;

Part. Materi Kuliah Silahkan Download
1. Pengenalan, Kontrak Belajar , SAP dan Silabus dan Pengantar Mata Kuliah Network Forensic Advance  Download
 2.  Download
3.  Download
4.  Download
5.  Download
 6.  Download
 7.  Download
 8. Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)
 9.  Download
 10.  Download
 11.  Download
 12.  Download
 13.  Download
14.  Download
15.  Download
16. UAS (Ujian Akhir Semester)


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